[Download Link] PES 2018 Multi-Switcher v1.3 by MjTs-140914

PES 2018 Switcher past times MjTs-140914
Since nosotros already had Sider for PES 2018, straightaway yous tin post away savor the new PES 2018 Switcher past times MjTs-140914. This tool has the same component subdivision alongside practiced one-time PES 2017 Switcher.
Features of PES 2018 Switcher Beta past times MjTs-140914 :
Scoreboard automobile switch(Exhibition, ML or League)
Cornaer Flag automobile switch(Exhibition, ML or League)
Referee Kit automobile switch(Exhibition, ML or League)
Available for League:
>Premier League
>Ligue 1
>Serie A
>La Liga
>World CUP 2018 (Not include trophy, Only Scoreboard, Corner Flag, Referee Kit(Generics))
How to purpose :
1. Extract alongside WinRAR
2. Run the installer equally admin in addition to laid it to your PES 2018 game folder
3. Extract the gear upward in addition to supervene upon it alongside the novel one.
4. Run PES 2018 Switcher equally admin in addition to click play game !
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/MjTs140914/
Added novel random scoreboard if conduct dissimilar team.
>Fix scoreboard fault inward jibe exhibition
>Add novel features(National Team vs National Team scoreboard automobile switch to WC2018)